Statement on Due Diligence Assessments by Malthe Winje Automasjon AS
The Transparency Act came into effect on July 1, 2022. The purpose of the law is to promote companies’ respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in connection with the production of goods and delivery of services, as well as to ensure that the public has access to information about how each company manages negative impacts on such human rights and working conditions.
The law applies to “large enterprises,” as defined in Section 3(a) of the Transparency Act. Large enterprises are those that fall under the Accounting Act § 1-5 or that meet two of the following three criteria on the balance sheet date:
- Sales revenue: 70 million Norwegian kroner
- Balance sheet total: 35 million Norwegian kroner
- Average number of employees in the accounting year: 50 full-time equivalents
Malthe Winje Automasjon AS (MWA) meets all three criteria mentioned above and is thus covered by the Transparency Act. The company’s board is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Transparency Act. Documents prepared in relation to the law have been incorporated into the Quality System. The ongoing follow-up of due diligence assessments and other work related to the Transparency Act has been delegated to the Head of IT Security, Operations, and Quality.
- A General Description of MWA’s Organization, Operational Area, Guidelines, and Procedures for Managing Actual and Potential Negative Impacts on Fundamental Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions
Malthe Winje Automasjon AS has a Quality System that is established, documented, implemented, and maintained in accordance with the requirements of NS-EN ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 for quality and environmental management. The system for quality and environmental management is built with procedures, manuals, and routines. Process descriptions, work instructions, document templates, and quality plans are covered in Level 4 of the Quality System. Since July 2022, the Transparency Act has been developed with the aim of creating good documentation for implementation in the Quality System, to be well-prepared for the law’s requirements.
In the quality system, we have created several new documents in addition to making changes to other documents. The new and most central documents are:
- Statement on Due Diligence Assessments
- Customer/Supplier Evaluation Form
- Statement of Business Ethics and Social Responsibility / Code of Business Conduct
- Action/Plan – Transparency Act
From 2025, Malthe Winje Automasjon AS will be ISO certified for 9001, 14001, and 27001, including a new Quality System. This will lead to changes in scope concerning how we can work even better with sustainability, business ethics, and social responsibility as an integral part of our operations.
- Information on Actual Negative Consequences and Significant Risks of Negative Consequences that MWA Has Discovered Through Due Diligence Assessments
According to Section 4 of the Transparency Act, MWA has a duty to carry out due diligence assessments. This means that MWA must anchor accountability in the company’s policies, identify actual and potential negative impacts on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions, implement appropriate measures to stop, prevent, or mitigate negative impacts, monitor the implementation and results of such measures, communicate with affected stakeholders and rights holders about how negative impacts have been managed, and ensure or collaborate on remediation and compensation where required.
MWA has principles for corporate governance and management aimed at laying a solid foundation for sustainable value creation and good results for owners, as well as contributing to credibility and trust among customers, employees, partners, other stakeholders, and society at large. MWA aims to prevent and limit negative impacts or harm to people, the environment, and society, and to prevent negative impacts arising from operations through a value chain perspective. As part of this work, MWA wishes to prevent and limit negative impacts on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions. To identify, understand, and map negative impacts, risk assessments are conducted. This work is carried out by the management team and selected professional resources. Results are followed up and reported to management. The board is then informed about the work and results.
The work on due diligence assessments has started, but there has not yet been time to conduct a complete and comprehensive assessment. So far, MWA has conducted a risk-based due diligence assessment of larger suppliers as well as at the request of partners during this period. This work has not uncovered any actual negative impacts or other risks of negative impacts. The work will continue according to the Action Plan.
- Information on Measures that MWA Has Implemented or Plans to Implement to Stop Actual Negative Consequences or Mitigate Significant Risks of Negative Consequences, and the Results or Expected Results of These Measures
Some of MWA’s larger suppliers are foreign and have various statements on their websites regarding their relationship with CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and the OECD guidelines. Due to its position and size, MWA has a special responsibility and opportunity to positively influence compliance and protection of fundamental human rights and decent working conditions. This applies to both MWA’s own operations and those of its business partners and suppliers.
To date, no negative impacts or risks of negative impacts have been uncovered, and no measures have been implemented as of today. It is important to note that this is an ongoing process that will continue according to the Action Plan and statement to meet the requirements of the Transparency Act.
This is a statement from Malthe Winje Automasjon AS regarding their organization, operational area, guidelines, and procedures for managing actual and potential negative impacts on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in accordance with the Transparency Act. It also provides information on any discovered negative impacts or risks of such impacts through due diligence assessments, as well as measures that have been implemented or are planned to be implemented to stop actual negative impacts or mitigate significant risks of negative consequences.
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