Malthe Winje opened a branch office in Halden on September 28th, 2022.
On September 28th, Malthe Winje officially opened our new branch office in Halden. The opening was almost to the day 100 years since the establishment of Malthe Winje, so this was a double celebration!
The Halden region has a lot of exciting things to offer and has a good focus on business development. We have already established a collaboration with, among others, IFE and other companies, but we would like to connect with more business partners and not least the Akademika environment.
The Halden office will be an excellent supplement to our offices in Ski, Moss, and Skien, in addition to the main office in Kolbotn.
We are looking forward to further development of the department, which means that we will need additional resources in the future.
Malthe Winje opens a branch office in Halden. Thanks to Halden municipality, Næringsliv Halden, IFE, and others who helped mark the opening. (Photo: Tom Erik Larsen)
Thanks to Halden municipality, Næringsliv Halden, IFE, and others who helped mark the opening.
Malthe Winje has a central position within the infrastructure segment, which includes the water and sewage industry, building automation, energy production, railways, and roads. The group has about 160 well-experienced employees and consists of several companies in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, France, and China. MW also has several exciting activities and projects in Africa.g Kina. MW har i tillegg flere spennende aktiviteter og prosjekter i Afrika.
Malthe Winje 100 år
No party without a cake!
There is no party without cake, especially when we are also still celebrating our 100 years. Malthe Winje is very happy to have opened our branch office in Halden.
Takk til våre kunder og leverandører!
Thanks to Halden Næringsutvikling for participating in the opening and for the professional mention on LinkedIn and web.
Halden Næringsutviklings bilde, Malthe Winje åpner avd. kontor i Halden med representanten fra Halden Næringsutvikling, Veronika Lund. (Photo: Halden Næringsutvikling)
Would you like to know more about Malthe Winje and how we can help you? Please contact us!
You can read more about the Malthe Winje group here.
On our Career pages, you can see ads for any positions that are open at the moment.